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Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning & Development Control Committee 21st October 2005, The Albert Memorial Hall, Ballater Additional Paper; Call-in Recommendation Report CNPA Ref 05/427/CP Applicant Name Glenavon Estate Development Blairnamarrow, Tomintoul Development Details Outline to demolish steading and replace with dwellinghouse and for septic tank and soak-away CNPA Notified 03-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 24-Oct-05 Application Type OUT Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SESA-SINS AGLV CNPA Ref 05/428/CP Applicant Name Mr John Scott Development Dallas, Kinchurdy Road, Boat Of Garten Development Details Erection of greenhouse CNPA Notified 06-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 27-Oct-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 05/429/CP Applicant Name Visitor Centres Ltd Development Landmark Visitor Centres Ltd, Carrbridge Development Details Erection of replacement snack bar building CNPA Notified 06-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 27-Oct-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 05/430/CP Applicant Name Bill Marshall Development Auchtavan Cottage, Glen Feardar, Braemar Development Details Erection of Temporary Weather Canopy CNPA Notified 06-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 27-Oct-05 Application Type LBC Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SESA-SINS CNPA Ref 05/431/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Stuart Development 8 Strathdee Cottage, 52 Dee Bank Road, Ballater Development Details Erection of Domestic Garage CNPA Notified 06-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 27-Oct-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area SES-SINS CNPA Ref 05/432/CP Applicant Name Mr Ronald Finnie Development The Bush, Crathie, Ballater Development Details Erection of Agricultural Shed CNPA Notified 06-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 27-Oct-05 Application Type AGR Planner Recommendation .No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA CNPA Ref 05/433/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Gray Development Gairnshiel Lodge, Ballater Development Details Erection of Dwellinghouse and Erection of Single 15m Wind Turbine CNPA Notified 06-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 27-Oct-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SESA-SINS Adjacent SCI CNPA Ref 05/434/CP Applicant Name Scottish Hydro-Electric Transmission Ltd Development North-East Of Dalwhinnie East Of A9(T), Dalwhinnie Development Details Deviation of existing 132kv overhead electricity line CNPA Notified 07-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 28-Oct-05 Application Type S37 Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SCI CNPA Ref 05/435/CP Applicant Name Scottish Hydro-Electric Transmission Limited Development Land To North Of Garvabeg, Laggan, Newtonmore Development Details Deviation of existing 132kv overhead electricity line CNPA Notified 07-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 28-Oct-05 Application Type S37 Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 05/436/CP Applicant Name Scottish Hydro-Electric Transmission Limited Development Between Beauly Sub-Station And Denny, Near Falkirk Development Details Construction of 400kv steel tower double circuit overhead electricity transmission line with associated new accesses CNPA Notified 07-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 28-Oct-05 Application Type S37 Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SCI SSSI AGLV SPA CNPA Ref 05/437/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs Weir Development Cairnie, 20 Dee Bank Road, Ballater Development Details Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse CNPA Notified 10-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 31-Oct-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area SESA-SINS Prev App 05/286/CP CNPA Ref 05/438/CP Applicant Name The Crown Estate - Glenlivet Estate Development Glenlivet Visitors Centre, Main Street, Tomintoul Development Details Erect woodchip storage silo and install flue CNPA Notified 12-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 02-Nov-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 05/439/CP Applicant Name Mr Andrew James Nash Development Urlamore, Tomintoul Development Details Erect building for use as temporary accommodation for period of approximately 2 years CNPA Notified 12-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 02-Nov-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SESA-SINS AGLV Prev App 03/155/CP CNPA Ref 05/440/CP Applicant Name Mr Andrew James Nash Development Urlamore, Tomintoul Development Details Convert existing water mill into 4 bedroom dwellinghouse and two 2 bedroom self contained holiday lets CNPA Notified 12-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 02-Nov-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SESA-SINS AGLV Prev App 03/155/CP CNPA Ref 05/441/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs H Ahmed Development Arisaig House, 6 Chapel Road, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Conservatory extension CNPA Notified 13-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 03-Nov-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area CNPA Ref 05/442/CP Applicant Name Neil McInnes Development Blackmill Quarry, Ballintean, Kingussie Development Details Erection of dwelling [approval of reserved matters] CNPA Notified 13-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 03-Nov-05 Application Type REM Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA Prev App 04/178/CP CNPA Ref 05/443/CP Applicant Name Mr Paul M Stapleton Development Site To Rear Of Heatherlea, Main Street, Tomintoul Development Details Renewal of outline planning consent for erection of one dwellinghouse and garage CNPA Notified 13-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 03-Nov-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 05/444/CP Applicant Name Upper Deeside Access Trust Development Shiel of Glan Tanar, Glen Tanar, Aboyne Development Details Construction of Replacement Footbridge CNPA Notified 14-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 04-Nov-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints SCI SESA-SINS CNPA Ref 05/445/CP Applicant Name Stewart MacIntyre Development Outbuildings, Easter Tombain, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Alterations, rebuilding and extension to form dwelling CNPA Notified 17-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 07-Nov-05 Application Type REM Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None Prev App 05/274/CP CNPA Ref 05/446/CP Applicant Name Mr Dickson Development Land At Rear Of Birchview and Birch View Cottage, Dunstaffnage Brae, Grantown On Spey Development Details Erection of dwelling [outline] CNPA Notified 17-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 07-Nov-05 Application Type OUT Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 05/447/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs P Ducuid Development Stanley Cottage, 25 Albert Road, Ballater Development Details Replacement Windows & Doors CNPA Notified 17-Oct-05 Call-in Expiry 07-Nov-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area SESA-SINS